October | Retired United Pilots Association https://www.rupa.org Retired United Pilots Association Tue, 25 Aug 2020 21:16:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bulletin Board – August 24th, 2020 https://www.rupa.org/2020/08/25/bulletin-board-august-24th-2020/ Tue, 25 Aug 2020 21:00:03 +0000 https://www.rupa.org/?p=4545

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August 24th, 2020

RUPA Members: Message from the Executive Committee


I wanted to take this opportunity to say that the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors are concerned about your health and welfare based on the events that are happening in this country and the world. Hurricane Laura and Marco are currently impacting the Gulf Coast and surrounding states. Storms have impacted the Midwest and Iowa. There was unbelievable destruction to Iowa’s homes, farms and businesses. And now, fires have devastated the West to include California. Personally, my wife and I live in Northern California as does your Vice President, Don Wolfe. We live under the constant concern of a fire igniting in our backyard. We now have a continuous flow of ash and smoke in the skies above us. Some of our members were even under the threat of evacuation. And here we are with all the concerns of Coronavirus. This has not been an easy period of time but we will survive. We are concerned about you and your family. My best to you all in the future.

John Gorczyca Don Wolfe John Rains
President, RUPA Vice President, RUPA Sec/Treas, RUPA


Bulletin Board – August 3rd, 2020 https://www.rupa.org/2020/08/04/bulletin-board-august-3rd-2020/ Tue, 04 Aug 2020 23:29:16 +0000 https://www.rupa.org/?p=4511

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August 3rd, 2020

RUPA Members: Options for RUPANEWS!

Due to the evolving situation of the pandemic, the US Postal Service has been slow in the delivery of the mail. Would you like to receive the RUPANEWS by email? If so, please send an email to our Secretary-Treasurer at:

[email protected]

Enjoy the color edition. You may use this option as opposed to the hard copy edition. Selecting this option will save RUPA an enormous amount in production and postage costs. Further, you will receive a copy of the RUPANEWS much sooner. No action is required if you decide to receive the hard copy by mail.

Thank you for your time in this matter.

John Gorczyca

President, RUPA

Don Wolfe

Vice President, RUPA

John Rains

Sec/Treas, RUPA

Do not respond through this eblast, contact: [email protected]


Bulletin Board – June 26th, 2020 https://www.rupa.org/2020/07/09/bulletin-board-june-26th-2020/ Thu, 09 Jul 2020 21:31:33 +0000 https://www.rupa.org/?p=4464

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June 26th, 2020

RUPA Members: Travel update from our Travel Guru!

The restriction on NRSA travel that has prohibited standbys from being boarded when the load exceeds 70% will be lifted effective July 1st.

From UAL via RUPA’s Pat Palazzolo – [email protected]

Reminder: check our website for additional travel information and for other important retiree information at: www.RUPA.org


Bulletin Board – June 3rd, 2020 https://www.rupa.org/2020/06/03/bulletin-board-june-3rd-2020/ Thu, 04 Jun 2020 02:33:17 +0000 https://www.rupa.org/?p=4410

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June 3rd, 2020

RUPA Members: Travel update from our Travel Guru!

Hello Fellow Aviators,

The twice a year opportunity to change our Enrolled Friends is approaching. The deadline for making changes to our enrolled friends for the next travel period is midnight CST June 28, 2020. However, if you do nothing, no changes will be made to your Enrolled Friends selections.

TIP: If you leave either or both of your Enrolled Friends selections empty, you can go back any time during the travel period and add an enrolled friend later, but after midnight CST on June 28, 2020 you cannot change an enrolled friend until the next travel period.

If you would like to change your Enrolled Friend selections, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into Flying Together (flyingtogether.com)
  2. Click on the Travel
  3. In the Pass Travel column, click on Manage pass riders.
  4. In the box showing your pass riders, click on the Enrolled Friends tab.
  5. A box showing current and former Enrolled Friends will appear. If you do not see the name of the person you want to add, skip to step 8. If you do see the name of the person you want to add, on the right side of the box, click on Manage Election.
  6. In the far right column of the election box, place a check mark next to the two names you wish to select as enrolled friends for Jul-Dec 2020.
  7. After making your selection for JUL-DEC 2020, YOU MUST CLICK SAVE or your selection will not be completed!!!
  8. If the person you want to add as an enrolled friend is not shown, go back to step 3 above. After clicking on Manage pass riders, At the top of the Dependent Management System (DMS) page is a box called Notifications. On the right side of the Notifications box it says “Click here to add a new Dependent or Pass Rider.”
  9. Read this box carefully, and follow the instructions for adding an enrolled friends.


Pat Palazzolo



Bulletin Board – October 28th, 2019 https://www.rupa.org/2019/10/29/bulletin-board-october-28-2019/ Tue, 29 Oct 2019 20:05:39 +0000 https://rupa.org/?p=3998

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October 28, 2019

RUPA Members:  It has come to our attention that there may be some issues with the current UAL Benefits form that you need to check very carefully. The UAL Benefits form you have recently received may have a coding problem and or incorrect Medicare number(s).


Bottom line: if anyone has been “given” 1502, Medicare Indemnity option versus the 1501 Medicare Advantage they’re supposed to be getting, they must call the UAL Benefits center to give them their correct Medicare number(s), or they will be dis-enrolled as of June 2020.


Contact ASAP the UAL Benefits Center (Your Benefits Resources) 800 651 1007

UAL is aware of the problem – take action and call and verify your information!


Bulletin Board – October 11th, 2019 https://www.rupa.org/2019/10/13/bulletin-board-october-11-2019/ Sun, 13 Oct 2019 19:09:43 +0000 https://rupa.org/?p=3969

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October 11, 2019

RUPA Members: Immediate Past President Bob Engelman took notes at the Aetna insurance presentation made at the RUPA Reunion in Dayton, Ohio last week. Lots of questions and answers remain!


This is NOT an endorsement or recommendation! RUPA does not have an insurance guru so your own research is required.


This eblast is very long, be patient. DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, I don’t have the answers and don’t use the company’s insurance plan.


To start with, no one at RUPA has the expertise to assess a medical plan. That’s something so important that each member should do his or her own research. I’ll include below the notes I took at the presentation we got at Dayton, but I suggest everyone calls the dedicated number we got, which is probably also included in the two information packages that arrived at my home, 866-246-8088, where they supposedly have a 96% approval rating by other groups covered by similar plans. I would think they can answer all of your questions. Following many of my notes, in brackets, are comments from a member’s wife who has been in the benefits business for about fifty years and has done a lot of research on the new United plan.


Here goes on my notes—

  1. This is an Employer-Sponsored Medicare Advantage ESA (Extended Service Area I think) PPO plan. It’s customized for United.
  1. There is NO network. Providers are not IN or OUT of network, so the co-pay is always the same.


[I have had three discussions with Aetna on this. There is a network comprised of hospitals and other providers who are contracted with Aetna Medicare Advantage. If you see any provider who does not accept the plan but do accept Medicare, your benefits are paid as if they are In-Network provided they agree to bill Aetna. If they do not agree to bill Aetna (two of my doctors will not) you will be reimbursed based on the Medicare Allowable Charge and will need to pay any difference. I can tell you there can be a huge difference in Medicare Allowable Charges are retail charges. You only need to look at any of your old Medicare EOB’s the see the difference.


If you read the section under the title MEDICAL DISCLAIMERS on the 6th page of the Plan Summary of Benefits you will read more detail about Out-of-Network/non-contracted providers. This plan does have a network of Aetna contracted providers. You could pay more out-of-pocket if you see Medicare contracted providers but they don’t agree to accept this plan. They may require you to pay retail.]


  1. It’s considered Medicare Part C – You get 1 EOB, which will show what both Medicare and Aetna paid. You will get a monthly EOB statement. You will present your new Aetna card to each provider. You won’t need to show your Medicare card, although I would bring it just in case the provider insists, but all claims must be made to Aetna.


[When I called Aetna to inquire about providers that accept Medicare but not Aetna Medicare Advantage I was told we would have to pay the provider and then submit an itemized bill ourselves to Aetna who would then reimburse the Medicare Allowable Fee. The key will be to confirm with billing at your providers office if they will agree to bill Aetna and accept the Medicare Allowable Fee. Otherwise, it would appear the provider can charge whatever they want and you have to pay the balance. The balance would NOT apply to the Out-of-Pocket Expense limit of $1,200. This is a question I will be posing again in the meeting at Dulles on October 18th.]


  1. Deductibles – $150. There is no Medicare deductible. Only this $150
  1. $1200 Out Of Pocket (OOP), then everything is 100% covered.


[Everything that is deemed a covered service under the plan. I understand that anything that is over the Medicare Allowable Charge is excluded from the OOP. The deductible of $150 also applies to the OOP. Also note, none of your pharmacy co-pays, deductible or co-insurance apply to the OOP Maximum of $1,200. The Silver Script plan has a deductible of $100 for RETAIL prescriptions and has a $300 OOP Maximum for the co-insurance of 20%. If you are taking a drug long term you use the preferred pharmacies, you won’t see any difference in most cases as the co-pays are still $16 for generics and $48 for a 90 day supply. If your drug spend reaches $6,350 the Catastrophic Coverage State kicks in with details on page 5 of the Summary of Benefits for the combined Aetna Medicare Advantage ESA PPO medical and SilverScript plan.]


  1. 100% covered for Preventive Care
  2. 100% covered for Diagnostic Care (outpatient)


[The plan will cover Outpatient Diagnostic Laboratory at 100%, Outpatient Diagnostic X-ray, Outpatient Diagnostic Testing and Outpatient Complex Imaging are subject to the deductible and are then paid at 80%. Important to note is that complex imaging such as CT scans or MRI’s are subject to pre-authorization which should be done by the ordering physician; however, never assume it has been done. Check with the imaging facility BEFORE you show up for your appointment. Also, it is always a good idea to use freestanding facilities versus a hospital for these services to keep costs down for you and the plan.]


  1. Urgent Care – $15 copay
  2. Routine Eye and Hearing Exams 100% covered
  3. $5000 every three years for Hearing Aids (some members were extremely unhappy with this)
  4. 24-hour Nurse Line, Annual Nurse Home Visit (evaluates home safety, how you take your meds, etc) Completely voluntary. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.
  5. Healthy Rewards – You get a gift card if you do preventive and/or wellness things.


  1. You still pay monthly Medicare and UAL premiums for coverage, just as you do now. The latter may be lower than current premiums.


[Just a housekeeping note here: If you are enrolled in Medicare Part B the premiums are based on income thresholds and the base rate rises each year. The new premiums have not yet been released but you can find them when they are announced at www.Medicare.gov.


There can be a load called IRMAA – Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount to the Medicare Part B premiums determined by your reported income to the IRS from 2 years prior. If you have had a significant change in your income causing you to fall below the threshold you can appeal it by contacting Social Security at 800-772-1213 or visit www.socialsecurity.gov.]


  1. Chiropractic coverage will include “enhancements,” meaning heat/cold and/or electro-stim treatments. I didn’t get to ask for more detail on this, but I will look though what came in the mail and/or call the new, dedicated phone line. There will be No limit on number of visits.


[Details of this nature are typically addressed in a document called “Evidence of Coverage” which I have already requested; however, it is not yet available. Hopefully this will be provided PRIOR to open enrollment.]


  1. If you have to go to the hospital in a non-emergency situation, you get transport to and from, 24 “legs” a year. You also get coverage for an ambulance, if needed. After you return home, you can have two meals a day (up to 14 total) delivered right to your home.
  2. Our prescription drug coverage will be though Silver Scripts, which is a division of CVS.
  3. If you only want Traditional Medicare and not this plan, there is also a drug plan only.


[Traditional/Original Medicare enables you to purchase a Medigap plan to pick up the some of the cost sharing toward medical expenses and there are a multitude of carriers that offer them, including other Medicare Advantage Plans (Medicare Part C). There are also many carriers that offer Medicare Part D (drug plans). You will find that the SilverScript plans UAL is offering are very rich compared to anything you can buy in the market. If you terminate your coverage with UAL, in order to exercise you Guarantee Issue Rights for a Medigap plan to supplement Original Medicare you have 63 days in which to apply from the date you lose coverage under the current plan. Insurance carriers will ask for a letter reflecting your termination date. You will also need a Notice of Creditable Coverage (recently mailed) in order to avoid a premium penalty for Medicare Part D if you don’t want the UAL Drug Only Plan. If you do not apply before this 63 day period ends, you can be medically underwritten, rated up or declined. You would still be able to maintain original Medicare Parts A & B and pay the Part B premium; however, it’s not a good idea to leave yourself exposed to the liability. Lastly, make note of the additional benefits UAL has plugged in that original Medicare does not provide. As I understand it from several sources specializing in Medicare plans, the 12 month period in which you are first enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan enabling you to bail out and go back to Original Medicare and get Guarantee Issue Rights for a Medigap (Supplement) plan DOES NOT APPLY. This is an important note if you were thinking about enrolling in the UAL Plan to try it out and then change your mind a few months later and want original Medicare back with the idea of buying a Medigap plan. You can terminate the UAL plan at any time and get back Original Medicare, but, you may not be able to purchase a Medigap plan without medical underwriting or a premium load or be declined. Some States may have more lenient laws allowing this. You can check your State Insurance Administration Consumer web site or speak with an insurance broker in your State.]


The following were answers to questions –

  1. Are premiums based on age and/or your location? NO
  2. Is United offering any other plans? NO, unless you’re in an HMO. You can choose to remain in that.
  3. Can the terms and premiums be changed at Aetna’s discretion? The answer I got was NO. I think that’s because it’s a United custom plan.


[All group plan rates are subject to change; however, annual rate guarantees are standard fare. Just as rate changes happened under the current plan, they can likely change in the future. If you purchased a plan in the open market, they are most often age rated so as you age, the rates rise in addition to any across the board increases for the carrier. United Healthcare through AARP is community rated so there are no age rates to blow through; however, they can raise rates on everyone enrolled in their plans. It’s a mixed bag out there.]


  1. Are you covered out of the US? YES, but for Emergency and Urgent Care only.
  2. What is the Silver Scripts prescription OOP max? $300, which does not go toward the $1200 plan OOP. I have major doubts about this one, and asked it again, but they insisted that’s correct.


[I believe when the plans were designed they wanted to match the old plan as closely as possible which had a $250 deductible and a $1,500 OOP. I have confirmed the OOP for the pharmacy does not apply to the $1,200 medical OOP. They are totally separate. Further, the $300 OOP on SilverScripts applies only to RETAIL purchases for a 34 day supply. See details on page 5 of the white SilverScripts Summary of Benefits. Everyone should look at the formulary of covered drugs to see where their prescriptions fall and use Preferred Pharmacy benefits for the lowest costs. If for some reason your drug is not covered, this web site provides the greatest discounts I have found and you can use them for pet meds as well: www.pharmacychecker.com]


  1. What about providers that don’t accept Medicare? They said that there are three situations, ie providers that ACCEPT Medicare, those that PARTICIPATE in Medicare, and another one I didn’t get to write down. They said that usually covers most providers, but I also have major doubts about this.


[The other category is providers that Opt-Out of Medicare. Typically these are providers that don’t accept any insurance and expect you to pay billed charges. It can be expensive to go this route and there are many providers in this category, typically, primary care and psychiatry in our local market. We call them the outliers. There are also physician practices providing Direct Primary Care where you pay a flat dollar amount each month or an annual fee for specific services with a promise to see you whenever necessary. These arrangements are growing in number especially in the Mid-West and West Coast. These practices may or may not not accept Medicare or Aetna.


When I spoke with Aetna about determining if a provider accepted the plan it is highly recommended you speak with the provider BILLING office and ask if they are willing to bill Aetna directly. The front desk folks might give you incorrect information and the billing office knows exactly what they are willing to do. Ask if they will accept the Medicare Allowed Amount. Never trust the Aetna web site regarding the status of your provider. Call and ask specifically about your provider. Aetna has two data bases and one can say yes and the other says no for the same doctor. Aetna is also willing to reach out to your hospitals & doctors on your behalf.]


  1. I asked, “What about when you go to the ER, where you have no idea what providers you’ll get and whether they all accept Medicare. The answer was the all hospitals accept Medicare, and their providers, like anesthesiologists, pathologists, lab techs, etc, have to abide by the hospital policy. I also have major doubts about this.


[I made a call to the billing department of our local hospital and they confirmed that all ancillary providers that bill for hospital rendered services accept Aetna Medicare Advantage. Check with your favorite facility and talk to the folks in billing.]


  1. Someone asked about being able to leave after 12 months and whether you could return to this UAL coverage. Medicare, on page 72 of “Medicare and You,” says you can’t return to traditional Medicare if 12 months have gone by and you haven’t returned. They said that since this is a custom employer-sponsored plan, that doesn’t apply. As long as you have “credible” coverage you can opt back in through United’s Your Benefits Resource (YBR).


[You can purchase a Medigap plan (Guarantee Issue Rights) within 63 days from losing the current group plan. The 12 month trial period only applies to Medicare Advantage Plans purchased in the individual market. The UAL plan is a group plan. Here’s the link to the citation of rules from the Medicare web site. Click on the second bullet point and then read the second heading in BOLD. From what I am told, we do not qualify for the “certain circumstances” in the light blue box at the bottom. https://www.medicare.gov/supplements-other-insurance/when-can-i-buy-medigap/guaranteed-issue-rights


If anyone has questions about getting Original Medicare back and leaving UAL they should confirm everything by making their own calls to Medicare and UAL benefits department.


One last answer to a question posed regarding spouses. If the UAL employee dies leaving a spouse that was covered by the plan, the spouse may continue the Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan at the single rate charged.


Once you terminate the UAL retiree plan you may not enroll again during subsequent open enrollments per the UAL Benefits Department.


I suppose there could be an exception if you are retired and your spouse covers you under their group plan while an active employee of another company. I quick call to the UAL benefits department can answer that question. So many scenarios and so little time.]


If I were the consultant for UAL this roll out would have been announced 6 months in advance and I would have engaged Medicare specialists to attend every meeting well in advance of open enrollment. Thankfully, the SilverScripts coverage is better in my humble opinion than any other Medicare Part D plans out there. For anyone with multiple drugs or expensive drugs like biologicals and immunotherapy the jury is still out because we just don’t have the pertinent details. A $48 copay doesn’t sound like much; however, once you hit the catastrophic level and you take a $15K a month drug like Tagrisso, the 5% could be $750 a month for a 30 day supply. Specialty drugs are a huge driver of benefit costs today. I have reviewed the formulary at the SilverScripts web site but the Summary of Benefits we received under PLEASE NOTE on page 5 indicates the SilverScript formularies do not include any drugs that may be available to you through the additional coverage provided by United Airlines. I guess you just have to call and ask if your expensive drug is covered and at what cost to you if you don’t see it on the formulary.

I look forward to posing more questions to the Aetna team on October 18th.

And the latest from her has a good explanation about the prescription drug OOP:


The Out-of-Pocket expense limit applies to retail purchases only for what I call emergent medications like an antibiotic for bronchitis, etc. Typically these are short term medications and the $100 deductible applies and then you pay 20% of the total cost of the drug regardless of whether it is a generic, Preferred Brand or Non-Preferred Brand name drug until you have paid $300 OOP. I use an inhaler that costs about $450 a month for a Preferred Brand name drug. If I had it filled each month I would be paying $90 a month after my deductible until I spent $300. That would occur by month 3. I wouldn’t do that because by getting a 90 day supply I only get my wallet out 4 times during the year paying $48 for a 90 day supply or $192 out of my pocket by using mail order. Stage 3 of the plan is called the coverage gap or donut hole. Under plans sold in the market you pay more for drugs in this stage; however, United has extended coverage for this gap so you don’t pay more than the co-pay, provided you use mail order. Again, keep in mind emergent medications are needed immediately so you would likely go buy it at a pharmacy and pay your deductible if it hasn’t been met previously, and then pay 20% of the cost of the drug. That’s where the $300 OOP comes in. There are some very expensive drugs out there, so in the end, it depends on what you are taking and how often. I’d rather get my drugs by mail and spread the expense over the year instead of “eating it” in the first quarter and paying more.


Stage 4: Catastrophic Coverage – think of all your prescription costs, what you pay either at a retail pharmacy or mail order, dropping all those copayments into a bucket for each patient under the plan. When that amount hits $6,350 you then will pay the greater of 5% of the cost of the drug or $3.60 for generics or $8.95 for preferred or non-preferred brand name drugs. This is the best I can ascertain from the information they sent in the 2020 Benefits Enrollment Guide. Specialty drugs have different copays which are shown in the chart.


I didn’t say this plan was better than what we have right now. I said this plan through SilverScripts is better than what you can purchase in the open market. If you were to go on the Medicare.gov web site and compare what you have to pay in all 4 levels under Medicare Part D with other plans you will find your costs much higher because of Stage 3 (donut hole) which United addressed by just keeping the copays. When I got the materials I went in to look at other pharmacy plans offered by SilverScripts and other Pharmacy Benefit Managers and the new United Plan is better, but, not necessarily better than what we had. Under the old plan the OOP was combined for medical and drug and was capped at $1,500 a year. So, if you had a hospital stay or other expenses and met that OOP your drugs didn’t cost you anything. My OOP costs on the best SilverScripts plan offered in the open market was about $5K-$6K a year but with the United Plan it’s only $192. Huge difference.


I hope this helps.






Bulletin Board – October 19th, 2017 https://www.rupa.org/2017/10/19/bulletin-board-october-19th-2017/ Thu, 19 Oct 2017 03:30:33 +0000 https://rupa.org/?p=3202

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October 19th, 2017

RUPA Members:  From RUPA President Bob Engelman

Latest travel news from the company’s website – 30 minute cutoff for most new bookings!

Effective Oct. 19, customers will need to create or change their revenue tickets and MileagePlus award bookings at least 30 minutes ahead of scheduled departure on all self-serve booking channels. This change also applies to employees traveling on Employee Discount 20 tickets. This change does not apply to space-available or company business bookings. We’re making this change in response to feedback from Airport Operations employees who noted that reducing last-minute bookings made by customers who have no possibility of making their flights (due to traffic or airport security or other delays) will enhance their ability to serve our customers and manage the departure management lists toward the end of the check-in process. New alerts in most booking channels will inform customers when the 30-minute cutoff is approaching or has been reached. In certain situations, Contact Centers employees will be able to book customers within 30 minutes of scheduled departure; reservations employees should refer to their department communications for additional information. Customer service representatives at the gates who are working in-person with customers will also be able to complete bookings and changes. Some exceptions to this 30-minute policy will remain (e.g., a 24-hour cutoff for customers with billing addresses in Argentina, Brazil, India South Korea and Vietnam).

Retired United Pilots Association
Phyllis Cleveland, Eblast Coordinator
P.O. Box 400 Vineburg, CA 95487 -0400


Bulletin Board – October 18th, 2017 https://www.rupa.org/2017/10/18/bulletin-board-october-18th-2017/ Wed, 18 Oct 2017 03:27:59 +0000 https://rupa.org/?p=3199

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October 19th, 2017

RUPA Members: Latest quick notes from the company!

Greetings Retiree Organization Leader,

Exciting news! This morning at approximately 2:00 a.m. CT, the myUAdiscount program was enhanced to include these three items. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Waived in-cabin pet fees (savings of $125 each way)

2. Waived unaccompanied minor fees (savings of $150 each way)

3. Boarding Group 3 or higher (depending on Mileage Plus credit card purchase or Mileage Plus Premier status).

The United Daily story that includes more details will be published tonight and will also be available on the Travel tab.

Thank you,


Michelle Pritchett

Employee Travel Policy and Procedures Representative, Human Resources

Try United Service Anywhere to find answers to commonly asked questions and to submit request to our service centers.

Retired United Pilots Association
Phyllis Cleveland, Eblast Coordinator
P.O. Box 400 Vineburg, CA 95487 -0400


Bulletin Board – October 11th, 2017 https://www.rupa.org/2017/10/11/bulletin-board-october-11th-2017/ Wed, 11 Oct 2017 03:26:32 +0000 https://rupa.org/?p=3196

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October 11th, 2017

RUPA Members: Retirees – note Enrollment Period dates!

From the company:

Annual enrollment is now open — for ACTIVE Employees. For Retirees it will be 10/30 thru 11/10.

Starting Oct. 9, active employees can enroll in their benefits for 2018. This is a once-a-year opportunity for you to ensure you have the benefits and insurance that’s right for you and your families next year.

The tool will remain open through Oct. 27.

Retiree enrollment opens Oct. 30 and runs through Nov. 10.

Visit Your Benefits Resources (YBR) to make your elections. You can also make your elections over the phone through our Benefits Center (UABC) by calling 1-800-651-1007.

If you don’t take the time to enroll, your current 2017 elections will carry over for 2018 with the exception of your healthcare and dependent care flexible-spending account (FSA) contributions. So, even if you want to keep the coverage you have today, you’ll need to make spending account elections for 2018.

If you haven’t taken the time to read about your options, now is the time to visit YBR to access your 2018 Benefits Guide, where you can review and compare all the benefits available to you.

Retired United Pilots Association
Phyllis Cleveland, Eblast Coordinator
P.O. Box 400 Vineburg, CA 95487 -0400


Bulletin Board – October 4th, 2017 https://www.rupa.org/2017/10/04/bulletin-board-october-4th-2017/ Wed, 04 Oct 2017 03:19:39 +0000 https://rupa.org/?p=3192

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Ocotber 4th, 2017

RUPA Members: Latest news from RAFA’s Kirk Moore!

Retiree Association of Flight Attendants Pass Travel UPDATE October 3, 2017

1) Pass Travel improvements
2) Changes to Pass Travel Tax Reporting for Retirees
3) Update your contact information NOW
4) Savvy Traveling: United app, KTN
5) More flights!
6) Discounts; cars, cruises, hotels
7) RAFA website

It may be easier to read this UPDATE on our website: http://www.rafa-cwa.org/page-1836169

1) Pass Travel Improvements

As promised, United recently contacted the retiree groups via a conference call, responding to the groups’ Pass Travel improvement suggestions from the April retiree summit in Chicago. Laura Motelet, Managing Director of the Employee Travel Center & HR Administration, gave us the good news:

“We are excited to announce that beginning in 2018, instead of only being able to change enrolled friend(s) once per year, retirees will have the opportunity to change their enrolled friend(s) twice: midyear and during year-end open enrollment. Retirees will continue to have up to two active enrolled friends at one time, but this change will allow retirees to register up to four enrolled friends during different time periods within a calendar year. This enhanced pass travel privilege applies to retirees only; all other aspects of the Enrolled Friend program remain unchanged”.

Note: Open enrollment in December 2017 (Dec. 1 – Dec. 28 until 7:00 p.m. CT) will remain the same as usual. In June 2018 (Jun.1 – Jun. 28 until 7:00 p.m. CT) a second open enrollment will take place only for retirees to either change or keep their Enrolled Friends for the remainder of the year (July-December). Full details are coming soon on Flying Together > Travel > Pass Riders (left column) > Retirees.

The ETC will announce three improvements to the myUAdiscount program in mid-October: (1) unaccompanied minor fees will be waived, (2) pet in-cabin fees waived and (3) we’ll be boarded in Group 3 (even when paying Basic Economy fares)! More information will be posted on Flying Together > Travel > myUAdiscount Program.

In a previous conference call we learned of three other Pass Travel improvements:

(1) better access to the ETC
(2) 24/7 online support via USAW and
(3) a new, improved employeeRES coming in 2018.

For the FULL STORY, read the News article on our website:


2) Changes to Pass Travel Tax Reporting for Retirees

Imputed Taxes on Pass Travel are changing. For pass travel on or after November 1, 2017, any taxable imputed income will be reported to you on Form W-2 and will no longer be reported to you on Form 1099. As a result of this change, starting on November 1, 2017, United will begin to collect any federal and state withholding taxes that apply to your taxable pass travel income via quarterly invoice. The first invoice will be sent in March 2018 for any travel from November 1, 2017, to January 31, 2018, and invoices will be sent every three months thereafter. The invoices will be mailed via U.S. mail and they are payable by check or money order.

Despite the adjustment in reporting, there is no change to how pass travel is taxed. Pass travel for retirees and their spouses, parents and dependent children under age 26 is still not taxable. Pass travel for a retiree’s domestic partner and enrolled friends are taxable.

Note: In January of 2018, you will receive a Form 1099 reporting your taxable pass travel income for travel Nov. 1, 2016 to Oct. 31, 2017, if your taxable pass riders accrued $600 of imputed taxes (pass tax value) or more in that period. Go to Flying Together > Travel > Pass Travel Report (blue tile) to check on the total “Pass Tax Values” accumulated. No withholding taxes will be collected for travel prior to Nov. 1, 2017.

Read more important W-2 Pass Travel Tax Reporting information on Flying Together here. Or go to Flying Together > Travel > W-2 Pass Travel Tax Reporting (in left column).

Note: The online chart shows “Extended Family Buddies” and “Buddies” are subject to tax; this only applies to employees who recently retired in the last 30 days.

3) Update your contact info NOW!

The ETC sent retirees information via email and U.S. mail about #1 and #2 above, did you receive it? NO? It’s important to update your contact information in 3 places:

1) The “Saved employeeRES information” box on your “Employee Travel Profile” in the “Quick Links” tab in “employeeRES” (“Book a Flight” on Flying Together >Travel).

2) In “Personal Information” in “Your Profile” (in top menu bar) in “YBR” (Your Benefits Resources) on Flying Together > Employee Services or go to www.ybr.com/united.

3) In our RAFA database by contacting your council President here.

United will be contacting retirees soon about open enrollment for health care Oct. 30 – Nov. 10, 2017. Make sure your phone number, email and postal mailing addresses are all up to date in YBR (and RAFA!). Stay in touch; update employeeRES with your latest email address and phone number.

4) Savvy Traveling: Use the United app! Get a KTN! Use the United app for easy booking and flying for both space available and myUAdiscount travel. To learn more, go to Flying Together > Travel > United app & Pass Travel tab (in the left column). Or click this RAFA page link for more info: Use the United app and link with Mileage Plus.

KTN: Join a Trusted Traveler Program to obtain a “Known Traveler Number” to be eligible for TSA PreCheck and expedited customs/immigration entry. Visit Flying Together > Travel > “Preparing for Travel” (left column) > “Trusted Traveler Programs”. Links on that page will take you directly to sign up on the GOES system. There are various programs with different pricing.

Once signed up online, you will apply for an interview (the first available interview for me was 4 months later!). Revisit the webpage often to try and move up your interview date. Some locations have drop-in wait lists for interviews. Take a good book, you may have to wait awhile!

4) IMPORTANT! After you pass the in-person interview you MUST input your “KTN” (Known Traveler Number) in two places:

1) For space available travel go to employeeRES > Quick Links > Employee Travel Profile (click “Add/edit Secure Flight and Travel Contact Information” in the “Saved employeeRES Info” box). If you have more than one Secure Flight Document (i.e. one for passport, one for driver’s license) enter your KTN in BOTH documents.

Select row, click little pencil icon, input your KTN in the field that says “Global Entry/Known Traveler”, then hit “submit”.

2) For revenue travel (including use of myUAdiscount) go to your MileagePlus account (united.com > MileagePlus > My Account >Profile > Edit Traveler Details > Known Traveler Number) For both space-available and revenue (myUAdiscount) travel: use the United app linked with your Mileage Plus number AND join a Trusted Traveler Program; you will fly like the wind!

5) More flights! Enhance your Pass Riding bucket list

Starting October 2017:

Daily LAX-SIN (Singapore)
Daily EWR-EZE (Buenos Aires)

More frequency begins December 20th to Hawaii:

DEN-KOA, DEN-LIH and DEN-OGG will become daily, year round.
LAX-ITO will increase to daily. LAX-KOA & LAX LIH increase to 2x daily.
LAX-OGG increases to 3x daily.
ORD-OGG will increase to daily (except Tue/Wed)
SFO-KOA increases to 3x daily. SFO-LIH to 2x daily. SFO-OGG to 5x daily.
Current flights to HNL will continue from DEN & ORD (daily), LAX & SFO (5x daily).
UA also connects to HNL daily from IAH, EWR, IAD, GUM & NRT.

Starting January 2018 (subject to govt approval):

Daily IAH-SYD (Sydney)

New flights to Europe for summer 2018:

Daily EWR-OPO (Oporto) 757 May 4th -Oct 4th
Daily EWR-KEF (Reykjavik) 757 May 23rd – Oct 4th
Daily SFO-ZRH (Zurich) 787-8 Jun 7th – Oct 27th
Daily IAH-EDI (Edinburgh) 757 May 23rd – Oct 4th

6) Discounts on cars, cruises, hotels

The ID90Travel.com website offers discounts for employees and retirees on hotels, cruises, resorts, and rental cars when you travel for leisure. It’s easy to book and to save as much as 60 percent off! Simply click on the ID90 Travel banner in employeeRES (you may have already noticed it under ‘My ePass Balances’) when you make your space available travel plans to see what discounts are available at your destination or search for exclusive rates at more than 380,000 destinations worldwide.

7) “Recent News” on Flying Together>News Click the dark blue “Recent News” link above to see other stories.

Here are some you might like:

06/19: MERGED CMS for Flight Attendants October 2018
06/29: Mileage Plus changes
06/30: History of United at SFO Museum
07/06: Diversity in London
07/11: Oscar stands with United Flight Attendants
07/20: John Slater to become Inflight SVP
07/26: Non-stop DEN-LHR in March 2018
08/08: New flights to ski resorts this winter
08/17: No more early-outs! But there’s insurance if you retire
09/01: Hurricane Harvey relief
09/11: Oscar: We will never forget
09/12: More ways to get to Europe next summer
09/18: Farewell Flight for 747: SFO-HNL
09/20: Safety is Global III new inflight video
10/02: Oscar: Compassion for Las Vegas victims
10/02: Pax can name their price to change oversold flight

Here’s a 7/18/2017 Airwise article about $10 billion renovation of JFK: http://news.airwise.com/story/jfk-airport-on-track-for-10-billion-dollar-renovation

8) Have you seen our RAFA website?

Check out the Travel Benefits tab here: http://www.rafa-cwa.org

Read the Pass Travel Program Summary, helpful links, phone numbers & more.

For other Pass Travel Topics: Previous Travel UPDATES

Compiled by Kirk Moore, RAFA Travel Benefits Committee October 3, 2017

Thank you Kirk for sharing with RUPA!

Retired United Pilots Association
Phyllis Cleveland, Eblast Coordinator
P.O. Box 400 Vineburg, CA 95487 -0400

