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Bulletin Board – June 25th, 2017

  June 25th, 2017   RUPA Members:     RUPA does not solicit fund drives or donations through our eblasts/emails.  An email is circulating with the RUPA banner asking for donations for "Stella".  Do not respond - it is another "phishing" attempt! Retired United Pilots Association Phyllis Cleveland, Eblast Coordinator P.O. Box 400 Vineburg, CA 95487 -0400

Bulletin Board – June 18th, 2017

  June 18th, 2017 RUPA Members:  Happy Father's Day! Thanks to Kirk Moore (RAFA) for another comprehensive travel update!   Pass Travel UPDATE In this issue: ETC updated the Travel page Baggage: space available, myUAdiscount & Basic Economy More flights to Hawaii coming in December Joint contract for Flight Attendants? Order a Retiree Badge Recent news from United RAFA website Bonus: myUAdiscount info from RUAEA It may be easier to read this UPDATE on RAFA's website:http://www.rafa-cwa.org/page-1836169 News: United HR has informed us they will schedule a conference call in the last week of July to respond to the retiree groups’ Pass Travel improvement suggestions. 1) ETC updated the Travel Page On May 15th the Employee Travel Center made the FlyingTogether > Travel page easier to navigate.  What’s changed...

Bulletin Board – May 11th, 2017

May 11th, 2017 RUPA MEMBERS:  A brief note from RUPA President Cort! Below might be of interest to our membership: Q: What if I purchase a Basic Economy ticket and bring a full-sized carry-on bag to the gate? A: Employees and retirees who bring a full-sized carry-on bag to the gate will be required to gate-check their bag to their final destination. Please note, if you have not yet used your allowance of two free checked bags, you'll be able to gate-check your carry-on bag free of charge. If you have already checked two bags, you'll be charged the applicable checked bag fee plus a $25 gate handling service charge (payment by credit card only). In an effort to help our employees at the airport...

Bulletin Board – April 25th, 2017

April 25th, 2017 RUPA Members:  The latest news from Kirk Moore! RetireeAssociation of FlightAttendants Pass Travel UPDATE for April! In this issue: 1)    RAFA meets with Oscar Munoz 2)    Pass Travel Attire 3)    Pass travel on Qatar ends May 5th 4)    Other Airline travel on Star Alliance; BC or Y? 5)    TSA will not accept Driver Licenses from 6 states in 2018 6)    Recent news from United 7)    RAFA website It may be easier to read this UPDATE on our website: http://www.rafa-cwa.org 1)RAFA meets with Oscar Munoz                                                                               ...

Bulletin Board – March 24th, 2017

March 24th, 2017 RUPA Members:  From CONU! Changes regarding employee access to the United Polaris lounge! The response from customers, the media and employees toward United Polaris since its December debut has been nothing short of overwhelming. As many of you have seen firsthand, we truly have set the standard for business class travel, not only with our inflight amenities, but with the on-the-ground product as well. Our United Polaris lounge at ORD, the first of nine such lounges, has become so popular that customers are spending more time there than we predicted -- which is great testament to how we are exceeding our customers' expectations. Because of that, however, we’ve experienced overcrowding, particularly during peak times, and we need your help: We invite employees traveling...

Bulletin Board – March 23rd, 2017

March 23rd, 2017 From: RUPA President Cort de Peyster RUPA Members: Our long standing stalwart Secretary Treasurer, Capt. Leon Scarbrough, has decided to retire after a decade at the helm of RUPA finances and membership data base. Leon and I go back a half century as new hire classmates on the DC-6. He has not only been a close friend over the subsequent decades, but has been an invaluable asset to RUPA. Without Leon and our other invaluable stalwart, Capt. Cleve Spring, RUPA would not be the fine organization it is today. To say Leon will be sorely missed as our Secretary/Treasurer is a gross understatement. We wish Leon and his lovely wife, Vicki ,all the best in his retirement from the duties at RUPA....

Bulletin Board – March 6th, 2017

March 6th, 2017 RUPA Members:  Company travel news that may interest you! "We're expanding our relationship with ID90 Travel to give you more great discounts on hotels, cruises, resorts and rental cars when you travel for leisure. It's easy to book and save as much as 60 percent off. Simply click on the ID90 Travel banner in employeeRES when you make your space-available travel plans (You may have already noticed it on the left nav under "My ePass Balances"). You can see what discounts are available at your destination or search for exclusive rates at more than 380,000 destinations worldwide. Additionally, when you make a space-available reservation in employeeRES, you will receive an automatic email from ID90 Travel with the best discounts available at your...
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